4 min read

How To Be Brave - With Australian Bush Flower Essences

October 07, 2024
How To Be Brave - With Australian Bush Flower Essences

Acting bravely in times of fear and discomfort doesn’t always come naturally. It can be a challenge to step out of your comfort zone and confront troubles with resolutions. Our aim is to give you the focus you need to feel confident in your beliefs and act in a way that is true to yourself with courage. Our guidance can enable you to have a change of mindset to approach your life from a different perspective.

Embrace Vulnerability 

Allow your vulnerabilities and insecurities show through, then they hold less of a burden and allow you to find your balance and be your more authentic self. Vulnerability is normal, and should not be hidden. To help open up your emotional vulnerability and feel more fulfilled, try Flannel Flower or Relationship Essence which contains the single essence for two or more weeks. 

Admit Your Fears

The first step to overcome your fears, is to accept them and share them. By identifying the fears you have, you can decide if they are rational or irrational. This way you can find the best way to target them with the appropriate emotion and find your calm place when faced with fear. Grey Spider Flower and Dog Rose of the wild forces can help calm and centre inner turmoil and rationalise your thinking, restoring faith and trust to face the fearful emotions.

Be Positive

By adopting a positive attitude, your fears and apprehensions become less scary as you can approach situations with an optimistic perspective, instead of focusing on a negative imbalance. To help with positivity, try our Confid Essence to help you feel safe, empowered and confident. 

Be Calm and Stress-Free

By adopting a calm attitude, when you encounter uncomfortable situations you will have a steady head to approach them calmly and with rational thought. Calm and Clear essence can help you find a stillness that will allow you to better manage your emotions and process thoughts in a concise and clear way.

Learn From Failure

In times when you fail, it can be easy to retreat and stop trying to reach your end goal. If you find that on your journey to courage you have continued to shy away from bravery, instead of focusing on the failure, commend yourself on the small success and strive for the bigger goal. By using Isopogon and Southern Cross, you can encourage personal growth from the root of failure.

It is a journey to alter your mindset and adopt the confidence needed to confront difficult situations and stand for your morals. We all have the ability to find our bravery and courage within us.

With Love, Strength and Courage - ABFE UK

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